AMEX - Disputes Quick Win

American Express - Disputes Quick Win


With major redesign planned in near future, team was given major pain points from research team. I spearheaded this project that was geared to relieve user pain points quickly before major redesign effort.



During a technical improvement initiative, list of user pain points gathered by research team, was added to scope. I was given the task to mitigate pain points, and increase the overall supporting document upload experience.


A total overhaul of Dispute experience have been underway for some time. While technical improvement rendered in the back end can be used in upcoming Dispute overhaul, same can not be said about UI. Thus it did not make sense to invest much resource in existing UI improvement.

That meant change as little UI as possible, all the while pushing the measurable key results needle towards greener pasture.


  • Establish UX strategy

  • Help establish measurable key results

  • Deliver solution with quick turnaround expectation



The Problem

  • Uploading supporting document is critical for Merchants can to counter Card Holder dispute. Unfortunately, merchants often could not see Attach File link

  • Response completion rate was lower than desired

  • Required upload specification was confusing. Green checkboxes confused merchants as it hinted successful actions instead of requirements

  • Misleading UI - checkbox appear to be clickable, but it’s not

  • Overall clutter

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Uplifted UI - With Minimum Changes

  • Establish hierarchy: Clearly exposed attach file function, but as secondary function. Submitting response is the primary action

  • Guide user sequentially, through what they need to do & acknowledge in order to finish responding

  • Reduced and allocated information that may cause confusion and error

  • Minimum changes due to upcoming product overhaul

  • Establish feedback: Communicate clear error and/or success messages

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1500x1000 - new - default - expanded.jpg
1500x1000 - new - ty.jpg


The Result

  • UI changes alone resulted 10% increase in respond completion

  • Significant decrease in various error types, e.g. file name, size, resolution, color

  • 7.6% increase of attach file as first click